A fantasy land.  One of hurt and pain.  One that takes away peoples trust, destroys their hopes, dreams and their spirit, takes away their soul.  A game, that only fools know how to play, unfairly but they do play.
You let your guard down, you give your heart freely, you open your being to hurt, let others destroy you, in a fantasy land that you turn on and off each day.
Trust is a word that does not apply.  Love is a figment of the imagination.  Honesty is not spoken. Your given hope that soon becomes shattered.  
Opening your heart, letting someone learn you from the inside, and in return learning them the same way.  Share your days events, share your evening hours.  Laugh, cry, share the good times, and bear each others sorrows. Become "best friends" and possibly secret lovers.  
All of a sudden, one day this person, we laughed, cried, shared with, this one person we trusted, gave our hope and honesty to, disappears, to leave us with only memories.
Our tears could fill the ocean, the pain seems like it will be never ending.  We stay, hoping that one day, what we let go of will return to us and just maybe become ours.
So in this fantasy land that we choose to participate in.  Remember...
Treat people the way you want to be treated.
Speak as you want to be spoken to.
Love the way you want to be loved.
Touch as you want to be touched.
Actions speak just as loud as words.      
...Continue your journey through...
I hope you enjoyed your journey, thank you, come back soon.

This page is dedicated to a special friend who has had many painful experiences.  A good person, my "best friend".
This is also for  those who have gone throug the hurt and pain of loosing someone special to them.  Sit back relax and reflect and try to see the light of a new day.
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