You are the light that lightens my way.
The air that I breathe.
The wind in my face.
The fire that burns in my soul.
You are everything I will ever need.
The only thing that I want in my life.
Wanting to hold you close to me, to take away all your fears, to be faithful and always devoted to you.
To love you like you have never been loved.
To walk threw life with you by my side.
To look into your eyes and see  the fire that burns inside of me for you.
To show you how great my love for you grows every day.
To become one and to unite our souls as one.
To be everything you will ever need.
And most of all to love you with all of my mind, body, spirit, and soul.
With every beat of my heart it beats for you.
Until the end of time and then that won't stop the love I have for you.
I love you more then anything in this world.
And will do everything to make you feel my love.
Suzette, I love you with everything that I am.
Without you, I am nothing but a lost soul.
I love your with all my heart.
No matter how long I have to wait, I will wait till the end of time for you.
I will always love you Suzette.
Yours always, Garrett
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