Is that your name, or what your wearing?
(Now this one always confuses me!)
A/S/L (always a classic!)
Very Sexy...(duhh its not me remember!!!)
Don't you remember me?
(OKKKK, how many wear this AV)
(makes ya wanna reply, you sure you were using this name?)
29/male/blue eyes, blonde hair, muscular build
25/blue eyes, red hair, great body
(Is that suppose to impress?)
Are you married?
(now who's gonna answer that truthfully?)
LOL some of the terms we use...
(i'm guilty of this one, but to think of it, what ya gonna bite)
Whats this, like its gonna hurt!!!
(don't think so, but its fun)
Always makes me wonder what the heck they gonna kiss?
Is that your REAL pic?
Of course it's exciting...More boots and lots of lag, what more could you ask for...How Exicting!
Private Rooms?...Always wondered what was behind those doors..but I don't think there are any pics for that one do you?  If there are maybe we better not show them huh.
Try your luck, pull up a chair, and a keyboard, and join our "Chat Room!"
Who ya gonna be today?
Who ya gonna meet today?
Be kind to your monitor and who might just be behind talking to you from theirs.
Have fun and type with two hands.
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