I know I'm in love
Because all that is beautiful
Is no longer around me
All that is beautiful
Now lives inside me.

I see in each day
The beauty of your love
Before you lived in my heart
The winter days, so dark and cold
Are now so alive
I feel the wind in my face
My cheeks tingle with the frost of winter
Snowflakes melt as they land on my face
Cheeks warmed by the love in my heart

Those nights when you are gone
I feel solace in knowing
Your heart is with me
Warmed by our fire
The place we sit for hours
Nested and snuggled
Comfortable in each others arms
Talking or not
Happy to touch, to caress, or to kiss
To feel safe and protected
Hearts touched, souls bonded together

The simple, the pure
Let me know I'm in love
Each night, with you or not
You are my last thought
Each morning, with me or not
Before my eyes open
You are my first thought

In a world so complex
Life here can be simple, and to some so detached
And yet, my love for you
Gives me riches beyond
Those with the millions
My heart has your love
No one can need more
No one deserves less

It cannot be hidden
With you or not
The love that we share
Brings to life all that is beautiful
No longer around me
It now lives inside me.

Written by <crystar_>, December 2001
Copyright © DAR 2001 all rights reserved.

A special thanx to  crystar_  for letting me share this wonderful poem with others, and reminding us what the power of love can do.

Remember the power of love is strong, it's something that grows deep inside.
Never let it stop growing.
December 30, 2001
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